Local Chapters
Since 2018, Revoice has been building life-changing community for sexual minorities through our annual conference. However, recognizing the need for more consistent support and connection, we've embarked on an exciting journey to expand beyond the confines of a once-a-year event. In partnership with local churches and sexual minorities across the country, we’ve started local chapters! Chapters are local community hubs for sexual minorities who follow Jesus. We meet once a month to foster connection, provide safety, and emphasize dignity. We partner with local sexual minorities to facilitate groups, and with local ministers to provide pastoral care as needed.
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“The NJ Revoice chapter has been an oasis for me. It’s difficult to find a place where the love I’ve experienced in the queer community meets the love I’ve experienced in the Church. In so many Christian spaces where my queerness is accepted, my celibacy is questioned. In Christian spaces that affirm my celibacy, my belonging is often questioned when I reveal my past and present struggles.
My revoice chapter is a safe place to work through my faith journey while recognizing the unique challenges of being a queer Christian with a traditional Christian sexual ethic and worldview. In our chapter, I know I am safe to be known at a deeper level, and supported by people who love Jesus as I continue to grow in my faith. Although celibacy isn’t unique to the Side B community, I have learned that there are unique insights and needs met within our community of believers that lead to a flourishing and full life in Jesus as a queer celibate Christian.”
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